Hi, friends hope all of you are enjoying our blogs and videos. In this blog we are discussing about an amazing ancient architecture PETRA … More Than A Wonder.
Petra, originally known to the Nabataeans as Raqmu, is a historical and archaeological city in southern Jordan. The city is famous for its rock-cut architecture and water conduit system. Another name for Petra is the Rose City due to the color of the stone out of which it is carved. Petra is also considering as popular film location . Some of them are Aladdin { 2019 }, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), The Mummy Returns (2001), Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009), Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997), Queen of the Desert (2015), The Martian (2015 ) , Samsara (I) (2011), Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977) , passion of the desert, and more than 39 films. The sandy landscape of Wadi Rum in southern Jordan served as a location in both “The Rise of Skywalker” and “Rogue One”, Another “Star Wars” film.
Established possibly as early as 312 BC as the capital city of the Arab Nabataeans, it is a symbol of Jordan, as well as Jordan’s most-visited tourist attraction. The Nabateans were nomadic Arabs who benefited from the proximity of Petra to the regional trade routes, in becoming a major trading hub, thus enabling them to gather wealth. The Nabateans are also known for their great ability in constructing efficient water collecting methods in the barren deserts and their talent in carving structures into solid rocks. It lies on the slope of Jebel al-Madhbah (identified by some as the biblical Mount Hor) in a basin among the mountains which form the eastern flank of Arabah (Wadi Araba), the large valley running from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba. Petra has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.
The site remained unknown to the western world until 1812, when it was introduced by Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. It was described as “a rose-red city half as old as time” in a Newdigate Prize-winning poem by John William Burgon. UNESCO has described it as “one of the most precious cultural properties of man’s cultural heritage”. On December 6, 1985, Petra was designated a World Heritage Site. Petra was named amongst the New 7 Wonders of the World in 2007. Also Petra was chosen by the Smithsonian Magazine as one of the 28 places you should visit them before you die.
Renowned for its charm and ancient cultural heritage, Petra marks the achievement of an impressive civilization, the Nabataean Arabs, who perfectly carved the city into its mountains.
The city of Petra, capital of the Nabataean Arabs, is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world, it is Located 240 km south of the capital Amman and 120 km north of the red sea town of Aqaba (see the Map), Petra the world wonder, is undoubtedly Jordan’s most valuable treasure and greatest tourist attraction, and it is visited by tourists from all over the world.
It is not known precisely when Petra was built, but the city began to prosper as the capital of the Nabataean Empire from the 1st century BC, which grew rich through trade in frankincense, myrrh, and spices.
Petra was later annexed to the Roman Empire and continued to thrive until a large earthquake in 363 AD destroyed much of the city in the 4th century AD.
The earthquake combined with changes in trade routes, eventually led to the downfall of the city which was ultimately abandoned.
By the middle of the 7th century Petra appears to have been largely deserted and it was then lost to all except local Bedouin from the area.
In 1812 a Swiss explorer named Johannes Burckhardt set out to ‘rediscover’ Petra; he dressed up as an Arab and convinced his Bedouin guide to take him to the lost city, After this, Petra became increasingly known in the West as a fascinating and beautiful ancient city, and it began attracting visitors and continues to do so today.
Petra is also known as the rose-red city, a name it gets from the wonderful colour of the rock from which many of the city’s structures were carved.
The Nabataeans buried their dead in intricate tombs that were cut out of the mountain sides and the city also had temples, a theater, and following the Roman annexation and later the Byzantine influence, a colonnaded street and churches.
In addition to the magnificent remains of the Nabataean city, human settlement and land use for over 10,000 years can be traced in Petra, where great natural, cultural, archaeological and geological features merge.
Huge structure discovered in 2016
In 2016, archaeologists using satellite imagery and drones discovered a very large, previously unknown monumental structure whose beginnings were tentatively dated to about 150 BC, the time when the Nabataeans initiated their public building programme. It is located outside the main area of the city, at the foot of Jabal an-Nmayr and about 0.80 km south of the city centre, but is facing east, not towards the city, and has no visible relationship to it. The structure consists of a huge, 184 by 161 ft (56 by 49 m) platform, with a monumental staircase along its eastern side. The large platform enclosed a slightly smaller one, topped with a comparatively small building, 28 by 28 ft (8.5 by 8.5 m), which was facing east toward the staircase. The structure, second in size only to the Monastery complex, probably had a ceremonial function of which not even a speculative explanation has yet been offered by the researchers.
What to see
Petra is a stunning collection of tombs, temples and ancient living spaces of the Nabatean civilisation. … Some main archeological sites inside the city are the Treasury – the tomb of a Nabatean king, the Monastery – an isolated mountain temple, a theatre, government buildings and dwelling for regular people.
Bab Al Siq
‘Bab Al Siq’ is Arabic for gateway to the ‘siq’. Here you will see three massive Djinn blocks, which are squared monuments carved out of the rock. You will then come across the Obelisk Tomb, which was carved by the Nabataeans in the 1st century AD. Above the tomb are four pyramids (‘nafesh’) as well as a niche with a statue in bas-relief that is a symbolic representation of the five people buried there. Below it is the Triclinium, which was a banqueting hall. In the opposing cliff face there is a double inscription in Nabataean and Greek that refers to a burial monument.
An inscription written by “Abdomanchos”, indicates that the tomb was to be used for himself and his family, probably in the reign of Malichus II (40- 70 AD).
The Dam
It was renovated by the government in 1964 in the same way originally built by the Nabataens. This dam was built to protect their capital from floods that arrived during the seasonal rain from the mountains and hills across the valley.
The dam protected the city of Petra by redirecting the flood waters into a tunnel, which was later titled the ‘Dark Tunnel’. Proving to be successful, the dam thus represented the Natabataean’s skillful and modern infrastructure. During the excavation, it was found that the original name of the old city was Raqeem. However, upon their arrival, the Greeks renamed the city ‘Petra,’ meaning the rock
The Siq
It is the ancient main entrance leading to the city of Petra, starts at the Dam and ends at the opposite side of the vault, a split rock with a length of about 1200m and a width of 3 to 12m, and height up to about 80m; most of the rock is natural and another part was sculptured by the Nabataeans. The Siq, the main road that leads to the city, starts from the Dam and ends at the Treasury. It is a rock canal that measures 160 meters in length, 3 to 12 meters in width and reaches up to 80 meters in height. The main part of the Siq is created by natural rock formation and the rest is carved by the Nabataeans.
At the beginning of the Siq, one can still view the remains of the city’s gate. On both sides of the Siq, there are channels to draw water from Wadi Musa (the Valley of Moses), from outside the city to the inside.
From the right, it is evident that the water flowed through pottery pipes but the left channel is carved from the rock and covered with panels of stone, and there are spaces in place to filter water. At the start of the Siq the original Nabataean dams are visible, and these prevented the flooding in the Siq, and collected water for use. The floor of the Siq is paved with stone slabs, part of which can be viewed in its original location.
Aspects of the Siq were decorated with Nabataean sculptures, mostly representing gods. It is believed that the statues of gods and their sculptures were situated very close and even adjacent to the channels due to the Nabataean belief that water was sacred. In addition, on the left side there are idols called Sabinos Statues.
The Treasury (Al Khazna)
The siq opens up onto Petra’s most magnificent façade; the Treasury, or Al Khazna. It is almost 40 meters high and intricately decorated with Corinthian capitals, friezes, figures and more. The Treasury is crowned by a funerary urn, which according to local legend conceals a pharaoh’s treasure. Although the original function is still a mystery, The Treasury was probably constructed in the 1st century BC, However, in reality the urn represented a memorial for royalty. The Treasury consists of two floors with a width of 25.30 meters and a height of 39.1 meters.
The purpose of the Treasury is unclear: some archaeologists believed it to be a temple, while others thought it was a place to store documents. However, the most recent excavation here has unearthed a graveyard beneath the Treasury.
The Treasury comprises three chambers, a middle chamber with one on either side, the elaborately carved facade represents the nabataean engineering genius
The Street of Facades
It is a name given to the row of monumental Nabataean tombs carved in the southern cliff face that lies past the Treasury and adjacent to the outer Siq., that when you pass the Treasury, the Siq begins to widen gradually as it reaches into an open area. On both sides, there are a number of Nabataean burial interfaces decorated with grindstones along with other decorations; and some of these interfaces were destroyed by natural factors, it is believed that these interfaces represents some of the senior officials in the city or princes.
The tomb Anesho is located in the far south of this group and overlooks the external Siq. Anesho was the Minister of Queen Nabatiyeh Shaqilh II, who ruled between 70 and 76 AD as guardians of the throne of her son, Rabil II. These tombs represent courtier in the middle of the first century AD.
The Theatre
Carved into the side of the mountain, at the foot of the High Place of Sacrifice, the theatre consists of three rows of seats separated by passageways. Seven stairways ascend the auditorium and it can accommodate 4000 spectators. The monument was carved in the mountainside during the reign of King Aretas IV (4BC-AD27). The Romans rebuilt the stage back wall.
The Urn Tomb (The Court)
This derived its name from the jar that crowns the pediment. It was probably constructed around 70 AD. It is preceded by a deep courtyard with colonnades on two sides. High up in the facade there are 3 niche which give on to small burial chambers, but it was adapted in 446 AD to serve as a Byzantine church
The Silk Tomb
Located to the north of the Urn Tomb, the tower dates back to the first half of the first century AD. The interface measures 10.8 meters in width and 19 meters in length with a door in the middle, and features four columns. The name comes from the rich color of the sandstone. It is one of the most dramatically colored tombs in Petra.
The Corinthian Tomb
The Corinthian Tomb, which lies after the Silk Tomb, was built between 40 and 70 AD. The façade measures 27.55 meters in width and 26 meters in height. It resembles the Silk Tomb and the Treasury, particularly in the upper part, but is less decorated. There are four water basins in the front and on the side, which were used in the cleansing rituals. There are four rooms inside the tomb, three of which are square-shaped and lie on the left with one on the right that has an area of 13 square meter.
Palace Tomb
Located to the north of the Corinthian tomb, the Palace Tomb measures 49 meters in width and 46 meters in height. The lower part consists of 12 decorated columns and four gates. Above the threshold lie 18 pillars.
The four gates of the cemetery lead to four rooms for burial, with some graves carved in the walls. This name was given to the cemetery as it resembles a palace.
The Sextius Florentinus Tomb
Located northeast of the palace, the cemetery is lined with Latino inscription. The tomb dates back to Sextus Florentinos, the governor of the Arab state (129 AD), and the interface (37.10 m) and height (9.16 m) consist of two floors. The first floor features four columns and a gate above the triangle and the upper floor shows the remains of columns on both sides crowned with a triangle and an urn; and there are statues above the arch and on the side and the middle.
The Colonnaded Street
The street represents an original Nabataean creation, later renovated during the period of Roman occupation. It would have been one of the principal shopping streets of ancient Petra. The street was rebuilt in 106 BC with a width of 6 meters.
The excavation fossil indicates that there was an older road with 1-2 floor building, lying on its side. On the left of the portico street to the south, there is a set of stairs that leads to the courtyard, which is called the market. This is believed to have been the heart of the city and center of various types of commercial activities and transactions during the third century BC. The street continued to be used throughout the Byzantine period during the fourth and fifth centuries, until the sixth.
At the end of the road lies the triple gate, which leads to the Temple of Qasr Al-Bint. The street was paved in horizontal and vertical ways in order to facilitate the movement of vehicles as it curved from the middle to allow the draining of water, which is equipped with a network of channels under the street level. The main tripartite gate led to the sacred courtyard known as the Temple of Qasr Al-Bint. Ahead of the entrance to the Gate, there lies a set of stairs that leads to the Temple, and on the other side lies the Black Winged Temple, which is dedicated to the God of Lat and Uzza, who is the mate of the major Nabataean gods.
At the beginning of the colonnaded street The Nymphaeum will be at the right side, which is a semi-circular public fountain near the junction of Wadi Musa and Wadi al-Mataha. six Nabataean columns decorated the facade, It received water from a tank on the opposite side of the valley. Now it is shaded by a juniper tree that is 450 years old.
The Buildings, Pond and Gardens Complex
Built in the first century AD, the entrance is located in the lower arena of the Great Temple. It was thought to have been a commercial market in the past that was linked to the portico street; however, the archaeological work showed that it was, in fact, a garden and pond. It is open on three sides to the water.
The east-west wall on the north side represents a stone dam, which serves to store the water from the canals and is distributed through the channel along the walls of the pond. The building located at the center represents the island or a floating ship on water and is used as a place for recreation and hiking for the residents of the city.
The Great Temple
The “Great” Temple Complex represents one of the major archaeological and architectural components of central Petra. Since 1993 archaeologist from Brown University have been Excavating this temple precinct. These investigations are conducted under the auspices of the department of Antiquates of Jordan .
The great temple precinct which you see before the majors estimated 7.000m2( 76.000 sq. ft) and this comprised north south of Propylaea monumental entryway ( a lower temenos ) sacred area : twin exedra ( semi-circular structures ) flanked by broad stairways: and an upper temenos – the sacred enclosure for the temple itself. In the lower temenos are triple colonnades on the east and west. Here, large limestone hexagonal pavers were positioned above an extensive water canalization system.
With its red-and-white-succeed exterior, the ` Great ` temple must have had a dramatic impact when set against its rose-red environment. The temple is tetrastyle in antis (four large frontal columns) with solid outer walls, typical of Nabataean architecture, as is seen on the Qasr El.BINT farther to the west. Approximately 15 meters ( 45 ft) in height, the columns plus the entablature they carried, would place the temple`s height at a minimum of 18 meters ( 57 ft). The ` great `Temple measures 28 meters ( 84 ft) east –west, and is 40 meters ( 120 ft). in Length.
The style and quality of the Temple`s elaborate floral friezes and acanthus-laden limestone capitals suggest that the sanctuary was constructed by the end of the first century BC by the Nabataean , who combined their native traditions with the classical spirit. The ` Great ` Temple was in use until some point in the late Byzantine Period.
Winged Lions Temple
The temple was revealed by an electronic sounding in 1973, and since 1974 excavation at the Temple of the winged lions became a major part of the activities of the American Expedition to Petra, directed by Dr Philip Hammond from Utah University.The temple has a porch in antis measuring 9.50m in length, from which a wide doorway leads into a square calla (measuring 17.40×17.40) with engaged columns and two rows of free standing columns.
Opposite the doorway there is a raised altar platform (1.30m high) with steps built into either end of the front, which were closed by iron gates. The discovery of lead ties suggests that the platform may have been curtained. Processions were probably performed around the altar- platform where the idols were standing. One of them is decorated with a stylized human face and bears the Nabataean inscription “the goddess of Hayyan Bin Nybat”.
In the rear wall of the platform there was a niche for offerings to the temple. A diorite statuette of Osiris, dated to the sixth century Bc, was discovered at the temple and was probably stored as a sacred relic. Other figures and a statue representing mourning Isis suggest that the temple was dedicated to Isis and Osiris, identified with Dusares (Dhu- shara) and al- ‘Uzza- Aphrodite.
The column bases consist of ring marble around the plain base. Brown marble was used on the platform columns and white marble on the others. Some of the elaborate capitals have representations of winged lions at the corners, hence the name of the temple. It is thought that these were the capitals of the platform columns.
The main floor of the temple was paved with white and brown banded marble, while the platform was paved with white and black marble. The interior was lavishly decorated with marble, plaster and stucco. Plaster affixes, representing human heads, tragic masks and floral designs were found. The temple most probably had a curved ceiling, and the roof was tiled.
The temple is approached for 85m the wadi by a monumental entry- way with a double colonnade. This entry- way crossed the wadi by a bridge. At the east side of the temple, there is a paved corridor with a drain canal under the floor. A reception area was found at the southwest corner of the temple, and there are complexes of structures tied in with the walls. These were mostly domestic but also included a painter’s, a metalworker’s and an altar maker’s workshops, an oil manufacturing installation and a marble stairway to the west, as well as a marble worker’s workshop in which fragments of a marble inscription dated to the 37th year of Aretas IV (AD 26/27) was found. The excavator proposed that this was a dedicatory inscription for the temple, therefore dating its construction, but it is probable that the temple was standing before this date- at the end of the first century BC. The final destruction of the temple and surrounding complexes was brought about by the AD 363 earthquake.
Petra’s main church is the second church in Petra, after converting the urn tomb to the Church in 446AD, made up of the church building with the corridors of length (28 m) and width (17 m), in addition to the yard, the Tower of the Bank and the rooms’ side of the north and east. The church floor is characterized with mosaics paved in the north and south galleries as well as marble in the east hallway and mosaic imagery of geometric, animal shapes and graphics representing the four seasons, the gods of sea and land, with three inscribed apses and corresponding three entrances in the western wall. It was probably built around the end of the fifth century AD, and destroyed by a fire and/ or an earthquake in the middle of the sixth century AD. Much of the building material such the capitals, door jambs and reliefs were reused from earlier monuments in Petra.
The Preserved floor mosaics in the church attest to its significance. Both side aisles are paved with mosaic floors. In the northern aisle, three parallel rows of roundels depict various animals, birds, vessels and human forms. The eastern part of the southern aisle has two rows of roundels containing depictions of animals, while the remaining area presents motifs in three parallel rows of geometric panels. The centrally situated panels contain anthropomorphist personifications of the Four Seasons, Ocean, Earth and wisdom. These are flanked by representations of animals and fish.
In addition to the floor mosaics, many fragments of wall mosaic were found, some with human representations and with gilded tesserae. These as well as the fragments of window pane glass attest to a magnificent interior.The Petra church also produced the most complete examples of marble church furnishing found in the region, some of which has been restored for display at the site.
The Temple of Qasr Al-Bint
Excavations and restoration work at Qasr al-Bint were started in the late fifties by the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem and are still conducted by the Department of Antiquities of Jordan.
The Nabataean temple of Qasr Al-Bint is standing within a large paved temenos to a height of 23m. it is surrounded by a peribolos, an enclosure wall, to which seats were added during the time of King Aretas IV ( 9BC-AD40). According to two inscriptions, one of which is still engaged between the seats. The northern façade is a tetrastyle-in-antis ( four columns framed by pilasters) and approached through a monumental stairway, rivetted with marble. An altar for sacrifices faces the cultic chaple to the north.
The priests proceeded from the pronaos to the cella and to the tripartite adyton or holy of the holies according to the Syrian tradition. In the central chapel the idols were exposed on a raised platform. A fourth century author recorded that the temples was dedicated to Dhu-Shara and his virgin mother al-Uzza-Aphrodite. Greek inscriptions and a fragmentary eye-idol discovered in the temple confirm this attribution.
The side chambers had balcony roofs, accessible through stairways logged in the walls. They served for sacred symposia and were provided with marble seats. The upper floors were probably for the storage of archives and sacred objects. Qasr Al-Bint was remarkable for its inner and outer stucco decoration, representing ashlar courses, relief panels and vegetal scrolls. A marble dado rivetted the inner wall to a height of 70cm.The temple was built in the second half of the first century BC and reused by the Romans in the second century AD. At the end of the third century AD the monument was looted and intentionally destroyed by fire-before it was struck by the AD 363 earthquake. A medieval occupation was revealed on the Monumental Stairway.
High Place of Sacrifice
The steep half-hour climb from the theater up to the High Place of Sacrifice on the summit of the Attuf Ridge is well worth the effort. Paths and stairways, which were part of the original Nabataean processional way, lead upwards through spectacular mountain scenery until the long, flat summit is reached.
The most immediately obvious monuments as one reaches the top are the two 7 m high rock obelisks which were made by carving away the surface of the mountain to leave only these 2 protuberances; a formidable undertaking.
The obelisks stand some 30 m apart on an east/west alignment and probably represent the 2 most important Nabataean gods, Dushara and his consort Al-Uzza. Across the gully lies the High Place of Sacrifice, the best preserved of all such sacred places of the ancient world, you can also see the city center from this point.
The Farasa Valley
It is located on the western side of Mount Altar, and most importantly, it can be seen on the road to the valley fountain. A lion, which is carved in the rock, may have religious significance and in particular that there is an altar with a small face of this fountain. There are also remaining channels of water carved in rock that lead to water tanks; some parts are built and others carved with a large reservoir depth of almost 17 meters.
It was a pilgrimage rout to the High Place of Sacrifice; many dedicatory inscriptions were engraved at the beginning of rout. There are many remarkable tombs in this valley, the most beautiful one being the “Renaissance Tomb”.
The Garden Temple
Located in Wadi Farasa, adjacent to the Tomb of the Roman Soldier, the Garden Temple’s function is as yet uncertain. The term may be misleading, since there are no burial niches. It appears more probable that it may have been part of the Nabataean water system, as to the right of the structure, there is an immense retaining wall of that creates a natural water reservoir. The Garden Temple may have been used to supply the use of water for its rituals, or simply to supply water to Wadi Farasa.
The Tomb of the Roman Soldier and Funeral Ballroom
200 BC – 200 AD, Recent archaeological evidence has indicated that this well-proportioned facade was probably part of a complex that included in front of it giving an interesting new insight into nabataean architecture, the tomb was accessible through a large courtyard with porticos and two-story buildings on both sides and a triclinium opposite the entrance.
It is decorated with engaged pilasters and columns that frame three niches with a statue of a military officer in the central niche-hence the tomb’s name.
Excavations demonstrated that the courtyard was built in the nabataean period around the second half of the 1st century AD but was remodeled in the roman period.
The Renaissance Tomb
It is an elegant façade with an intricately-made set of crowns and six Nabataean jars. crowned by a gable that has three funerary urns at the corners framed by Nabataean engaged pilasters. The interior has rock- carved loculi that were not used for burials; the tomb may be dated to 2nd century AD.
The Monastery
It is one of the largest monuments in Petra, measuring 47m wide by 48.3m high. It was built on the model of the Khazna but here the bas- reliefs are replaced by niches to house sculptures. A columned portico extends of the façade; the interior is occupied by two side benches and altar against the rear wall. It was used as a biclinium for the meetings of religious associations. And dates to the early 2nd century AD, during the reign of King Rabel II. In the hall it was reused as a Christian chapel and crosses were carved in the rear wall thus the name “Monastery” (Dayr in Arabic).
How to reach Rose Red city “Petra”
Petra is a three-hour drive from Amman and two hours from the Red Sea port of Aqaba. Buses run the route daily, along with organized tours and private taxis. The Jordan Trail passes through Petra, allowing hikers to connect with Dana or Wadi Rum.
How to Visit
Reducing Petra to a single day trip is a common mistake. Remember that Petra spreads out for over a hundred square miles—four times the size of Manhattan. While donkeys, camels, and horse buggies can hasten travel time between highlights, most of Petra’s sites are best reached on foot. Come ready to hike some steep terrain.
Spend at least one night in town, and plan your sightseeing as a series of hikes. Petra’s licensed guides have exceptional knowledge and will add a deeper dimension to your visit by showing you secret tombs and hidden details you would never find on your own. Don’t miss the “Petra by night” show that delivers a haunting and unforgettable visual.
When to Visit
Petra is open year-round, so choose your own adventure: Spring and fall offer the most temperate weather, with fantastic light. Summer is beautiful but can turn unbearably hot. January and February are the coolest months, with the occasional downpour. Remember the high elevation means nights are cold. Sunrise and sunset are when Petra truly glows with changing color, so come early and stay late.
Entry into the site of Petra is only permitted to visitors holding valid tickets. These are available at the Visitor Center and can be purchased on arrival. Prices differ for foreigners and locals and a range of ticket types are available depending on the length of stay and number of visits to be made into Petra.
1. Fees for the accommodated visitor: Visitor who stays at least one night in Jordan.
Entrance Ticket Price
One Day 50 (J.D)
Two Days 55 (J.D)
Three days 60 (J.D)
Fees for the accommodated visitor who visits Petra in the first day of his /her arrival from the border
Entrance Ticket: 90 JD – 40 JD = 50 JD
* For the accommodated visitors who visit Petra in the first day of their arrival from the borders they will pay the border ticket fees(90JD) and return in the next day to get a refund of 40 JD
2. Fees for non-accommodated visitor:
Entrance Ticket: (90 JD)
• Please submit your valid passport or ID to the tickets office.
• Tickets are available by cash or Credit cards .
• Children under 12 years are free of charge.
• The residents fee is 1 JD as long as the resident is holding a valid residence card issued for 1 year at least.
• Jordan pass ticket doesn’t include the Night event “Petra by Night”
• Read more about Petra by night tickets
Optional Services
1.Tourist guide tickets:
Trail Distance Cost
Main Trail 4 KM 50 JD
Main trail + High place of sacrifice monument 6 KM 100 JD
Main trail + The Monastery 8 KM 100 JD
2.Carriages price:
The carriage trail Distance/ Back and forth Cost
Visitor center – Treasury and return 4 KM 20 JD
Visitor center – Museum and return 8 KM 40 JD
• The prices for a back and forth tour.
• You can make an appointment for return.
• No vehicles or bicycles are allowed beyond the main gate.
• The carriage prices for Two people.
Petra By Night
Complete your Petra experience with a visit of Petra Night Show, this event is a magical way to see part of the rock city by candlelight and explore the old city, which has become a world wonder, incomparable experience starts by walking the entire Siq to the Treasury, lit with over 1,500 candles to bring the major attraction due to the spectacular view it has.
Petra by Night runs every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week, starts at 20:30 from Petra Visitor Centre and delivers you back by licensed guide to the Visitor Centre around 22.30pm.
The entrance fee for Petra by Night is 17 JD, children under 10 years are admitted free of charge. Tickets can be bought at the Visitor Centre shops, local tour agencies in Petra or at your hotel reception.
Tour duration 2 hours
Tour runs It runs every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week
Start point & time Petra visitor center 20.30
End point & time Petra visitor center 22.30
Difficulty Easy
• An advance reservation is not possible.
• Unlimited tickets are available for Petra by night show.
• A valid daylight ticket is required,
• Buying the daylight ticket in advance to do Petra by night is available from 19.30-20.30 at the visitor center.
The site suffers from a host of threats, including collapse of ancient structures, erosion from flooding and improper rainwater drainage, weathering from salt flow, improper restoration of ancient structures and unsustainable tourism. The last has increased substantially, especially since the site received widespread media coverage in 2007 during the New 7 Wonders of the World Internet and cellphone campaign.
In an attempt to reduce the impact of these threats, the Petra National Trust (PNT) was established in 1989. It has worked with numerous local and international organisations on projects that promote the protection, conservation, and preservation of the Petra site. Moreover, UNESCO and ICOMOS recently collaborated to publish their first book on human and natural threats to the sensitive World Heritage sites. They chose Petra as its first and the most important example of threatened landscapes. The presentation Tourism and Archaeological Heritage Management at Petra: Driver to Development or Destruction? (2012) was the first in a series to address the very nature of these deteriorating buildings, cities, sites, and regions. The next books in the series of deteriorating UNESCO World Heritage Sites will include Machu Picchu, Angkor Wat, and Pompeii.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) released a video in 2018 highlighting abuse against working animals in Petra. PETA claimed that animals are forced to carry tourists or pull carriages every day. The video showed handlers beating and whipping working animals, with beatings intensifying when animals pause. PETA also revealed some wounded animals, including camels with fly-infested, open wounds. The Jordanian authority running the site responded by opening up a veterinarian clinic, and by spreading awareness among animal handlers
Nice article
Thank You
Very informative
Thank you so much